How TO Repair Boot G850F Without Box

How TO Repair Boot G850F Without Box Without SD Card Without jtag

Follow the explanation

First we Download the required files

Password: Windows4Droid

After Download the required files to perform the repair process

We take the first step of installing a driver of a quality CPU Exynos USB Driver

The driver is in a folder

Extract the file by any decompressor program After extraction we enter the Disk1 folder and install the driver as in the following image

We follow the installation process like any standard program installation as in the following images

So we have finished the process of installing the drummer. We move to the main folder where the tool is located

We copy the .dll files as in the picture

And we paste it into the driver installation path in the previous steps. Note with me where the driver is located automatically
During the installation process

We will be asked to replace. We choose OK and we have finished processing the tool

But there is a note that Microsoft's C ++ support must be installed

So you have to worry when you receive the following message

If you are using Windows 64Bit
Download the support program from here

After finishing the tool and the COM definitions, we open the tool, taking into account the operation in the mode Administrator

Also note the simple programming tool

The famous cfg format is used to deal with boot files and COM mode in case of boot loss

Now let's take a look at the boot files for the questionnaire from these files
This is as we see it in the picture

Go back to the tool


And click on the box as in the picture and choose from the folder boot file


And now wait for the file to bear the tool and after we connect the device in the computer of course the device in the position (on power on which device is dead)

With the connection of the device, we press the power for 2 seconds and then raise your hand

You will recognize the COM as in a picture

After the driver appears as in the picture, we press start to begin the process of searching the boot file

After writing the last file

This means that the process will finish and you will notice that the machine automatically enters the mode of the Download Mode without any additional step

Now all you have to do is flash the device with the latest version
Thus we have completed the boot repair process

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